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  • 2024-04-20 01:23:42|
  • 作者:网站小编|
  • 来源:88直播


Speaking of the draw against Almeria, Remiro admitted that the team had created numerous chances but failed to capitalize on them. He emphasized the need to learn from this experience, become more aggressive and focused, and strive for victory in future matches, especially to secure a spot in European competition next season.


Looking ahead to European competition, Remiro expressed that the team has the ability to compete in the Champions League, Europa League, or Conference League. He highlighted the significance of participating in these tournaments, as it would leave a mark for both the team and the players on the European stage. With the increasing competitiveness in La Liga, Real Sociedad needs to stay focused and strive for better results.


Reflecting on the Copa del Rey defeat to Mallorca, Remiro recalled the challenges and complexities of the match, considering it one of the toughest experiences at Real Sociedad. While the loss was painful, reaching the semi-finals was deemed as an achievement. He acknowledged the need for the team to accept defeat, learn from it, and prepare for future matches.当被问及是否观看了国王杯决赛时,雷米罗坦言自己并没有观看。他坦言不愿触碰这个令他不愉快的记忆,还表示对毕尔巴鄂竞技取得胜利感到高兴,但心情又有些复杂。对于球队国王杯的结局,他感到希望,因为这意味着皇家社会能够获得参加欧战的机会。When asked if he watched the Copa del Rey final, Remiro admitted that he did not. He revealed his reluctance to revisit the unpleasant memory and expressed mixed emotions about Athletic Bilbao's victory. He felt happy for his friends at Bilbao, but also had complex feelings. As for the outcome of the Copa del Rey for the team, he expressed hope as it meant Real Sociedad had a chance to participate in European competition.对于夏季可能有球员离开的传闻,雷米罗强调球队有众多顶级球员,这些球员对在皇家社会的成就非常珍视。他认为有些传闻过于炒作,指出球队和球员之间的默契和信任是团队取得成功的重要因素,相信球队能够保持实力并在未来继续取得好成绩。Regarding the rumors of potential player departures in the summer, Remiro emphasized the presence of incredible top players in the team who value their achievements at Real Sociedad. He pointed out that some rumors are exaggerated and highlighted the importance of teamwork and trust between the team and the players. He believed that the team could maintain its strength and continue to achieve good results in the future.谈到自己首次入选国家队的经历,雷米罗表示这对他来说是职业生涯的一大进步,也是训练和努力的结果。他表达了对欧洲杯的期待和希望,希望能够为国家队效力,这也是皇家社会期盼看到的成就之一。他认为入选国家队是一种荣誉,也是对自己努力的肯定,希望能够继续为球队和国家效力。As for his first call-up to the national team, Remiro described it as a significant progression in his career and a result of his training and hard work. He expressed his expectation and hope to participate in the European Championship, aspiring to serve the national team, which is also a desired achievement for Real Sociedad. He believed that being selected for the national team is an honor and a recognition of his efforts, hoping to continue to contribute to the team and the country.

